3 Reasons to Consider a Cattle Yard Cover



So, you’re looking at investing in a cattle yard cover and weighing up the benefits of the investment. We get it. We talk to cattle producers every week about this much-debated topic.  In this blog, we share with you the real benefits we’ve seen from current customers who have invested in a Spanlift Yard Cover.

In implementing a yard cover, you’re not just protecting yourself and your stock – you’re also ensuring your equipment is out of the elements. Imagine not having to lug heavy cattle scales in and out each time you need them? Or having a central space in the middle of your yard where all your equipment and drenches are within reach.

There are jobs that can’t wait such as sending cattle to market, scanning and preg testing. How about getting the job done when it suits you? And not when the yards dry out or when it’s cooled down? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Let’s break down the three main benefits our customers gained from their Spanlift Yard Cover:


1. Yard Covers Help Reduce Stress and Positively Impact Animal Welfare 

Much like us, stress to cattle can be debilitating and hinder productivity and we’ve seen this take a few forms. Working your cattle under a yard cover can improve their welfare, and what this term talks to is the animal’s physical and mental state. It’s no secret that our Aussie climate can leave us sweating under a scorching sun one month and shivering in cold winds and showers another. Protection from these elements can have a great impact on cattle’s welfare and overall performance. 

After being exposed to extreme weather conditions cattle can respond to heat stress in some alarming ways:

  • Reducing and even stopping food consumption – to decrease rumen heat production
  • Heavily sweating and panting 
  • Drooling 

Our design team make sure we tick the boxes when designing your yard cover to provide optimal living conditions for your cattle, keeping their welfare in check. 


2. Improved Yard Working Conditions Lead to Higher Productivity and a Happier Team.

A truly effective cover shouldn’t just protect from the elements but also utilise them. That’s why Spanlift assesses the prominent direction of incoming weather and accommodates ventilation throughout the Yard Cover. This means that despite being protected from the elements your staff and cattle alike can operate in cool and optimal conditions. In both protecting from and utilising the elements, the option to work your stock year-round is on the table – promoting productivity and improved yard conditions.

When it comes to manufacturing the team at Spanlift is experienced in designing and building over existing pens or yards which means minimal disruption when building your Yard Cover. The end result being a structure that offers minimal shadowing around this transport area – reducing the fear factor within your cattle and facilitating a more seamless transition.

Additionally, our design team can allocate extra height in truck access areas making sure all aspects of accessibility are considered. This combination can allow for livestock to stay under these Yard Covers overnight, eliminating the tedious task of transporting your stock – providing free time that can be allocated to other pressing matters. 

Evading these tedious tasks is sure to make yourself and your ground team a whole lot happier.


3. Yard Covers Give You Economic Gains and Time Efficiency

The financial gain of Yard Covers doesn’t end with improved performance and efficiency. Installing Yard Cover can reap major rewards like:

  • Investing in infrastructure like Yard Covers can boost the value of your property
  • Improved lifespan of your yards, protecting them from harsh conditions
  • The implementation of round columns deters serious injury if cattle are to collide 
  • Establishing a yard cover prevents transporting your cattle through extreme weather conditions to Central Gate Yards for selling. This can mean that your cattle evade the wet and muddy conditions and presents more appealing to potential buyers
  • Collecting significant amounts of rainwater – calculate how much rainwater your collecting from your shed here

Get in touch with one of our friendly professionals today on 1300 234 321 or check out our website and inquire about a cattle yard cover!