Spanlift PoultryHouse Barns were pleased to host international poultry delegate Alo Mohan at one of our farms in Australia this week. Alo lives in the northeast of Ireland and has served as the National Poultry Chairman for the last 4 years.
In 2013 he received the Nuffield Scholarship to further study research and development in poultry farms in smaller countries. Alo set up the Poultry Council of Ireland which works with the Irish government to develop the poultry industry. Last year he spoke at The World Poultry Conference in Brussels. In 2010 he was invited to Haiti by the Clinton foundation to look at redeveloping the poultry industry after the earthquake.
Alo was a speaker at PIX 2014 regarding moisture management in litter, and was delighted to be able to visit one of our poultry farms to see how the conditions in Australia affect the way we manage this.
We look forward to hearing more from Alo in the future and perhaps visiting him in his native country to further discuss ways we can improve aspects of our poultry industry in Australia